Thanks so much for your patience, it's finally here!
If you have purchased the Year 1 Micro or Year 1 Macro Notebooks, do remember to use your discount code! This product is a bit more expensive because it is significantly longer and more complex in many places, but it is discounted until the end of May which should help a little.
This is pack of 59 note frames for students to fill in so you can be sure they have some form of notes and are taking information in. These work really well with videos like the EconPlusDal Year 2 Micro playlist and the Labour, Distribution of Income/Wealth and Poverty playlist.
Here is a rough walk-through of the product so you can get a decent idea of whether it would work in your classroom:
The Year 2 Micro Notebook download comes with 3 files.
* A Digital Notebook - Students can type in their answers and drag and drop pre-made elements onto a PowerPoint document (can also be used with Google Slides for those using Google Classroom), which can then be printed or submitted back to a teacher electronically if required. The worksheet itself is flattened so students can't accidentally delete questions. This option might be useful if you are distance learning
* A Printable Notebook - Great for Cover and Homework, and for those without computer access.
* A Printable Notebook with space for Additional Notes and Questions after each Topic- This might be your preferred choice if you are using for Pre-lesson Prep or Revision.
Ideal for:
* Distance Learning - perfect for the current situation
* Flipped Learning - as a way to keep track of any pre-lesson prep*Homework - for students to complete after each lesson
* Cover - distribute at the start of the year ready so that students can work through them whenever you're off. They could recap past topics or look ahead to prep for future topics
* Ongoing Revision
It contains Notes Frames for the following topics:
1. Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns
2. Fixed and Variable Costs
3. Marginal and Average Costs
4. Total Cost Curves
5. Long Run Costs and Scale
6. Economies of Scale
7. Revenue and Perfect Competition
8. Revenue and Imperfect Competition
9. Profit
10. Business Objectives
11. Barriers to Entry
11. Barriers to Entry
12. Economic Efficiency
13. Perfect Competition
14. Monopoly
15. Natural Monopoly
16. Evaluating Monopoly
17. Evaluating Competitive Markets
18. Monopolistic Competition
19. Oligopoly
20. Game Theory
21. Evaluating Oligopoly
22. Contestable Markets
23. Evaluating Contestable Markets
24. Competition Policy
25. Regulating Monopolies (1)
26. Regulating Monopolies (2)
27. Deregulation
28. Privatisation
29. Nationalisation
30. Technological Change
31. Cost Benefit Analysis
32. Utility Theory
33. Introduction to Behavioural Economics
34. Cognitive Biases
35. Behavioral Economics in Policy
36. MRP
37. Demand Curves for Labour
38. Shifts in the Demand Curve for Labour
39. Elasticity of Labour Demand Curve
40. Backward Bending Supply Curve for Labour
41. Firm and Industry Supply Curve for Labour
42. Shifts in the Supply Curve for Labour
43. Elasticity of Labour Supply Curve
44. Wage Determination in Competitive Markets
45. Wage Differentials
46. Monopsony
47. Trade Unions
48. Trade Unions in a Monopsony
49. Wage Differentials: Gender Pay Gap
50. Wage Differentials: Footballers and Teachers
51. Wage Differentials: Regional Divides
52. Wage Differentials: Ethnic Groups
53. Evaluation Wage Differentials
54. National Minimum Wage
55. Income and Wealth Inequality
56. Lorenz Curve and Gini Coefficient
57. Absolute and Relative Poverty
58. Laffer Curve
59. Policies to target Inequality