On the agenda for March's EconEdChat were 3 questions:
What strategies are effective for EAL students?
How can we teach labour markets?
What sort of extra-curricular activities would you recommend for Economics students?
This post focusses on the first question.
Although our EAL students may well be strong economists, some of the strategies we use with the lower end literacy might be helpful for some EAL students, so some of the strategies discussed here may be useful.
Áine shared how she uses structure strips. Most people attribute this idea to Stephen Lockyer, and you can read about his experiences here.
Tier 2 language is mentioned again, but Rob later mentioned the Academic Word list, which I think is a little better?
You can find Economics factory here, I believe they have taken over Anforme's stock following their recent closure.
From what I can see, Wordle doesn't exist any more, but there are plenty of other word cloud apps, such as this one
Nichola mentions PeCAN PiE, which I think is a Tutor2U invention, you can see how it's used in Business here
We circled back to this topic during our Labour Markets, and we mentioned than graphic organisers could be a potential option here. Clicking here should take you to that point in the video
Econ Ed Chat takes place the first Wednesday of the month at 6pm GMT. All welcome.