On the agenda for November's EconEdChat were 3 questions:
1) How can we help students get to grips with diagrams?
2) How can we teach Market Structures effectively?
3) Do starters still have a place in Economics lesson planning, and, if so, what forms might they take?
You can find Adam Boxer's Retrieval Roulette here - you just download it and put your own questions in. You might also want to look at Mr Allsop History's version which turns these quizzes directly into Battleships/Connect 4/Blockbusters - read the info on the page first or else the spreadsheet might be a little intimidating if you're well-versed on your Excel macros!
You can find Tutor2U's Knowledge Books here
I like looking at trends, using something like Visual Capitalist or NY Times' What's going on in this graph?. I sometimes use the Daily Infographic too, but it can be a bit hit or miss, but is worth bearing in mind if you have a Sixth Form tutor group. Depending on which one I've chosen, I might ask them to describe the key features, find 3 interesting points or explain the Economic implications. Andrew has written a blog post which touches on why it's important for students to know broad trends.
Yousuf mentioned People, Power and Profits by Joseph Stiglitz. I mention Yusuf's blog which you can find here.
I think that's everything we referenced, but if we talk about something in the video and it's not clear, let me know and I'll add extra references!
Econ Ed Chat takes place the first Wednesday of the month at 6pm GMT. All welcome.