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Diversity in the Economics Curriculum

Like many, I'm currently looking at diversifying the Economics A-Level curriculum, but so far haven't been able to find anywhere with A-Level resources grouped together. I've started collating bits and pieces below, but ideally it needs more brainpower! If you'd be interested in joining a Curriculum Diversity working group, drop me an email ( and we'll sort out a time where a few of us can get together over Zoom and start putting something together that is nice and usable for teachers.

Resources so far:

Discover Economics is an RES-backed campaign aiming to widening participation in Economics. Their focus isn't curriculum but their resources are still likely to be useful for other elements of a diversity agenda. Prof Sarah Smith from the campaign spoke to us last year, you can check that out here.

Rethinking Economics is an international network of students and academics looking to create a more pluralist, realistic, diverse and decolonised curriculum. This page, aimed at secondary educators across the world, is I think the most useful part of the website, including this e-book which I'm currently working my way through. On their website I found this list of working parties within UK universities, so you might be able to find some useful contacts from Universities near you:

They are also keen to start new groups, so it may be that they can support us in making an A-Level Teacher group. There is a handbook here which might have some useful advice going forward with this.

D-Econ is another organisation aimed at Diversifying and Decolonising Economics at an academic level. Many of the resources are too advanced for A-Level, but the reading lists might be useful for us as teachers. I'm keen to get in touch with them to see if we can build a partnership there.

Diverse Educators is a website which aims to support teachers in diversifying their curricula. I can't see anything Econ-specific, but there is some useful general advice.

I have a few more resources to add, and I imagine we will come across quite a few more as the project progresses, but if you have anything, please do get in touch.


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